
Responsible for the content of the website:

Agnes Baldessari
House no.: 39
A 6653 Bach im Lechtal

The information contained on the website has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and checked for accuracy with great care. Nevertheless, content and factual errors cannot be completely ruled out. The website owner - therefore assumes no guarantee or liability for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information provided. All information is provided without guarantee.


Liability for links:
All content has been carefully checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information.
Links to this website are welcome as long as they are external links and entire pages (including navigation frames) are reproduced. A transfer of the main window into a frame of the link setter is not permitted. Own links to external pages are only signposts to these pages; they are therefore regularly displayed by means of an external link in a separate browser window. The publisher does not identify with the content of the linked pages and accepts no liability for them. Should one of the linked pages contain questionable content, please inform us; in such a case, the link will be deleted immediately.


The content of this website is subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. The provision of content and image material from this website on other websites is not permitted.


Picture credits: Salvemini Sergio; TVB Reutte, In addition to this information, copyright information is included in the metadata of the images for specific photographers engaged by TVB Reutte.


Web design:
Concept and realisation: Salvemini Webdesign


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Check-In: from 15:00
Check-Out: until 10:00 am

No pets allowed.
Smoking is not permitted in the flats.

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